4 apartments in madrid
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Madrid La Latina 4 sleep for 699
Monthly 2699 / Weekly 699 Available : immediately
Descripción Área: La Latina - Madrid Camas: 4 capacidad Metros: 50 m...
50 sq.meters 1_bedroom_flat, apartment located in madrid, la_latina

Monthly 2600 / Weekly 1100 Available : july 2
Área: La Latina - Madrid Camas: 6 capacidad Metros: 120 m2 Piso/ascenso...
120 sq.meters 2 bedrooms, apartment located in madrid, madrid

La Latina Area, nice Atico
Monthly 1800 / Weekly 800 Available : july 13
Área: La Latina - Madrid Camas: 4 capacidad Metros: 50 m2 Piso/ascensor...
50 sq.meters 2 bedrooms, apartment located in madrid, madrid

Rose Suit in an Hotel
Monthly 1800 / Weekly 1000 Available : july 4
27 m2 - 1 Cama Queen, 1 sofá-cama Encantadora habitación triple, con s...
sq.meters 1 bedroom, apartment located in madrid, madrid



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